Friday, October 28, 2016

Survival of the Fittist...

 It's so dark just before I go out to the barn.

 Chores at 7:30.
The girls each get half of an apple with their grain.  They are crispy and so good.
I will continue to get more until it freezes.

 No need for blankets this morning...the temperature reached a high of 47.

 I had to go to Wegmans for a few things and could not resist taking a couple of shots,
because I love these colors together.

 When I got back to the farm I made a big pot of chili with scratch sauce.  We still have half a bushel of tomatoes to use up but all the peppers are gone.

 The snow and wind brought down a lot of leaves...
 but the remaining flowers are still standing.

 This is the only thing left in the veggie garden.

 Gary wanted a fish fry tonight so we went over to Sam's Diner in Holley.
 The sun was setting on our way home.

 I took the pups out for a short romp and grabbed this shot in the dark.
 Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful , the close up of L.W. is perfect, as are the leaves. Enjoy your weekend.


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