Saturday, October 29, 2016

70 Degrees

 Another very dark morning.  It really fakes me out.
Eventually it ramped up to a medium grey and stayed that way all day.

 When the horses are too close, Little Wonder hides behind the gate.

 It was so warm, Karen and I spent at least half an hour picking the pastures.  I also mowed a few areas that were very high so it makes our job easier.
When we finished I picked a few raspberries.

 The dogs were with me, and LW discovered Sidney....hiding over by the Studio.

 A pretty quiet day, tho I ventured out to buy some picks for my baritone uke and picked up a couple things at Wegmans and TJ Maxx.
My turn for evening chores.

 Tucked the girls in around 6.  They really caught a nice break from the weatherman today.

 I guess I need to use my flash when it's this dark.
At his time of the year our friend Al makes a trip out towards Middleport to buy apples.  Gary went with him and they came home with pies, and many other sweet things along with onions and squash. 
Jenny stopped up so we could share everything with her.
Also sent her home with some chili.

 I made it yesterday so dinner was a piece of cake.

Time to put on some PJs so I can veg somemore!!!
Night all.


  1. Can't believe you have raspberries still! I think I'm going apple picking tomorrow. I'd rather they just sold the apples to me but apparently that's not an option!

  2. Raspberries, I thought they would all be finished by now. LW, he is an adventurer!!

  3. LW is smart to stay behind the gate when he feels the horses are too big and too close. We had some good temps over the weekend too. Raining now but I don't care. I love the fall but don't like it getting darker earlier.

  4. I am amazed that you have raspberries still! Ours come ripe in early summer and are gone. LW is a smart guy, and adorable!


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