Thursday, October 27, 2016

Lots of Toys

This was not a pretty morning.
 We did get the snow as promised and it was the first time for
 Little Wonder to feel that cold stuff.
 When I got out to the barn it was blowing and raining, so on went the blankets.

The pups did not come to the barn with me as it was just too yucky out there.

 I went down to the Town Hall for a couple of hours 
and was very happy to come home to a cozy fire.
 Needless to say, my eyelids were heavy.
 Gary went down to Jenny's to be with Finn and Coop.
He made dinner for them and will be home in awhile.
I had a salad
 and some pasta with peas (which I shared with Phoebe and Little Wonder).
 Tomorrow it should be in the mid 40s and then gets a little milder as the week goes on.
I'm so glad Gary was able to put the new plexiglass windows in the barn.
Night all.
Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting!


  1. Who needs exciting when you have a nice warm fire! Snowed a bit here this morning and then turned to rain. It's pouring out there now. Ginger isn't too thrilled with it. You'd think her feet were going to melt if she stepped on the wet grass. Princess!

  2. It threatened to snow here but luckily it didn't :) Little Wonder is getting so grown up now!

  3. I'd wondered if you'd gotten snow in that direction. I have to wonder what Little Wonder thought about it all, in the video it looked like he was a little confused by the change in everything? But it was truly a good day to stay inside! I did that here, except without the snow, just the cold. Stay warm, and I hope your snow is not a sign of what's ahead!

  4. L W did indeed wonder what the white stuff was, a few times with a lifted paw, a few shakes, then maybe off inside.


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