Monday, October 24, 2016

Dogs & Cats

These mornings are all quite alike.  
Sunny then grey....

 By 7:30 the Town truck was picking up the brush that we put out by the road.  We had to be the first, it was so early.

 Phoebe and Little Wonder started out in the barn, but ended up in the back yard so I could finish chores without having to keep track of them.
 Seymour joined the party.

 This afternoon I changed the Studio all around.
 It looks great and I want to get a big rug to go under the table.
 The floor is cement (used to be our pool house) so that would really warm up the place.
My students will be surprised tomorrow.

 I picked a few mums to brighten up the kitchen and Gary brought in some glads.
Almost November and we still have flowers blooming!
 Before dinner I went out hunting for a rug, but did not have any luck.
Once again the sun made a late day appearance.

Picked up some good burgers for dinner so I'm off duty.
Night all.


  1. You guys better keep an eye on those kitty kats
    Lily & Edward

  2. I am looking for a big rug too! They're hard to find! I'm loving the weather lately. So nice to have it way cooled down but still the nice blooms!

  3. How beautiful. LW certainly has an expressive face. And as a kid I had a cat named Seymour who looked exactly like yours!

  4. Hi Lori, it's great that Little Wonder gets on so well with the cats. Your fall colors are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Jo


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