Sunday, October 23, 2016


What a brilliant sunrise!

Most of the day ended up being grey.

 Little Wonder is a peanut next to the girls!

When they get too close he hides outside the gate.

 Before going to the Sunday Jam I made a delivery to Andrea at Glen Darach Farm.
She is hooked on Carina's bread.

 There were 11 of us today and we played a great variety of music.
(Next weekend my student's exhibition will be taken still looks terrific).

 As I had no big plans for dinner, I winged it.
Sauteed onions/peppers/tomatoes
and added eggs.
Baked at 325 for about 40 minutes.
 Got everything ready and threw it in the oven before I went out to do chores.

 The sun made a comeback....this happens a lot just before dark.

"Look at my teeth, they are not babies anymore."

When we got back to the house, I dded extra sharp cheddar cheese
and then it was time to eat.

Breakfast for dinner.
Night all.


  1. Oh you are making me so hungry!
    This looks delicious!
    LW is smart, I know Morris stays out of the mule pastures and watches them carefully. He only needed to be chased once when he was little.
    Funny, he knows which animals he can get close to and which ones he can't.

  2. WOW, always a pleasure to visit your beautiful world my dear friend. HUG B

  3. Could we send our furry friends a prize? If so send me your info at 2frenchbullys(AT)gmail(DOT)com
    Lily & Edward


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