Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Baby, It's Cold Outside...

 An interesting sky for a few minutes and around 40 degrees.
 Shortly after the girls were turned out it started to rain.
 Phoebe and Little Wonder were put in the house.
 Right after chores I drove to Brockport Carpet and was able to find one 
that was 8' x 10', bound all around and a so so color.
Gary was not home yet, so I somehow managed to get it under the table, trying to smooth it out while lifting each corner with my shoulder (it's a 4x8 piece of plywood on 2x4s and is very heavy).
I love the new configuration.  
Minor detail, I put the heater on at 7:30 and by 10:30 it was not all that warm in there.

 All kinds of new projects going on.

 Of course Little Wonder made the rounds.
 Tina lost her best buddy, DJ, a little over a week ago and it looks like they have found a puppy that should be ready by Christmas.  He and LW can become pals just like DJ and Phoebe.
Every Tuesday she brings treats for my two pups and they are very excited when she arrives.
 We had our bread delivery a little before noon.
Carina is making us very happy to the tune of abut 10 or 15 loaves of bread per week.
 I found a great place to store Gary's and my art supply bags.

 When we got back to the house Seymour came in and spent some time with LW.
 They are becoming best buds.

 A few more in and outs....
and it was time for me to go to the Town Board meeting.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful sky! Little Wonder has made a lot of friends. Like the pictures of him with Seymour. Great picture of the tall ship. I don't know why but I've always liked pictures of those ships.

  2. Hi Lori, Seymour and Little Wonder are great friends. Have a great day. Jo


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