Sunday, September 25, 2016


Can't beat this weather.  Sunny and cool. favorite time of the day.

 Here are a few shots of the book I had made a couple days ago.  One for Helen, one for me.
All of these are my photographs that I manipulated with Photoshop/artistic/poster edge.
I love the textures.

 Now I am really motivated to make more books.

Scott and Jenny were borrowing our canoe today so we took it out of the shed
 and gave it a good cleaning.

 Little Wonder watched and then got in.
 "What is this thing?"
 He gets it and would be a good passenger.

 We had no flag to put on the back of the canoe, so we tied an onion bag.
Pretty classy.

 As we still have an abundance of tomatoes
 and peppers,
 this was another sauce day.
I went to the Sunday Jam and one of my uke strings broke so I quit early.
I had bought extras....but they were the wrong ones!  Back to Stutzman's.

 Gary had duty and the Welcome Center and was home by 2:45.  I ended up at Wegmans and bought a cheese pizza.  When it was dinner time I sauteed peppers, 
onions and a little eggplant and topped it off.

 By the time we finished dinner I was tomatoed out.
 We watched another episode of Longmire before chores.

 Tucked the girls in at 7.  They are loving this weather.

Time to do a little more Netflix binging.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful photos. They would make lovely cards, although I think I might be one of the few who still write cards! Too hot here in No Cal to go outside today. Where is fall?

  2. Awesome! You better wear a life jacket little one
    Lily & Edward

  3. Nice! Our weather is changing again. Now much cooler and chilly...LOL, who would have thought that 65 was chilly!

  4. Your book is beautiful. You could probably sell a bunch of them. Love this weather too and so do the horses. They didn't even bother to come in last night. LW is just too too cute. He's so curious and so sweet.


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