Saturday, September 24, 2016

My Kind Of Weather!


 After chores the dogs and I took a little ride.
 First I dropped a bag of clothes off at Goodwill....
 then we went to Country Max for shavings and grain.
There were several other dogs there at the same time.

 We did not buy any toys or snacks.

 After that, we went out to the Studio
 so I could
 work on my painting.  It is changing.
 Listened to good music and the Studio was filled

 with sunshine.

 Back to the house be 12:30 so I could make a salad for the picnic at Heritage Bell Farm.

 I did something different today.
Sliced up 4 huge tomatoes, sauteed some peppers and onions,
 then mixed everything together and added homemade croutons, crumbly blue, a few small yellow tomatoes and a good Italian dressing.
(It was a fantastic combo).
 Carina, the outrageous baker, lives on a farm with many animals.  Chickens, goats and pigs.
 She and Joel invited at least 100 people and everyone brought a dish to pass.

 We ended up at Finn's ball game and watched a few innings.
 Cooper was the bat boy.
 He also did a little throwing to the left fielder in between innings.
 Jen was enjoying the weather and a weekend without a ton of extra work.
 Back at the farm, Phoebe and Little Wonder were ready for some wrestling.
 She is holding her own these days.

     Tucked the girls in by 7.

Now, we are going to start watching the latest season of Longmire 
while we enjoy some French toast.
Night all.


  1. A great day! Looks like the pups really enjoyed themselves and are having fun together. I'm loving this weather too.

  2. Looks like a beautiful day. We haven't seen the sunshine for a while now!


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