Monday, September 26, 2016

All Over The Place....

What a sunrise!!!!

 After chores I started gathering photos to create a Little Wonder book.
I want to do it while John is still at the UPS store.

 I finished sending them to UPS before leaving to pick up Sally, Judy and Helen... as we were headed for the Braddock Bay Tavern & Grill.
 It's not too fancy on the outside, but the inside was very inviting.
 It sits next to a very marshy area filled with water lilies and wildlife.

 Their special for today was Philly cheese steak sandwiches with a side of roasted potatoes.
All four of us ordered the same thing!  We were under the influence of Sally.
 Our waitress (Wendy) took a couple of photos for us.

 Our lunches were excellent and we enjoyed catching up.
 Andrea came out to see us when we dropped Helen off.
 Her sister brought her a serving of chocolate mousse.
 So nice that these two had this time together.
 On the way home we made a quick stop at Sara's to drop off a present (from Helen)
for Kathy.
 I grabbed a few quick shots.

 All things fall......

 Took a short rest when I got back to the farm, then worked on a dish to take to our
monthly dinner with the Kleins and Cretneys.
My contribution had to go with corned beef and cabbage and include apples.
So...I made fried apples and onions.

 Once they started to soften, I added brown sugar
 and let them caramelize.
 We arrived right at 6.

 Ann served clams as a starter (I don't eat them).
 Everyone else loved them.

 Our meal was perfectly prepared.

 We finished it off with banana cream pie made by Brenda.  One of my favorites.

 Ann has this painting hanging in her living room.
It was produced by an elephant at the Rochester Zoo!
I love it!
We left earlier than usual so we could get home to watch the debate.
So far, it is unlike any other!!!!
Night all.


  1. The debate!!! And what a wonderful meal, Little Wonder laughing, then all those pumpkins. Definitely Autumn up there.

  2. Little Wonder should be a model, he is so photogenic and adorable. Looks like a great meal. The debate! I watched it too.

  3. All that good looking food! It looks like you had a very nice day :)


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