Wednesday, November 4, 2015

It Was Not A Day Like All Days

Unreal warm up today.
 (November 3rd)
 As in 70 degrees.

 Gary continued planting garlic.
 It's a back breaker when you are putting in over 2000 cloves.
 Class at 10:30.  One last time in the studio before it's too cold to be out there.

 Around 3 I headed down to the village.  Some friends were kind enough to let us use the house they are working on for our command center and Annie and I wanted to set up tables and chairs for the volunteers who were going to help us with our get out the vote calls.
 When the polls closed, we headed over to Java Junction for some chow and what turned into a pretty long wait for the returns to come in.

This is how things are looking at this time.  There are still absentee ballots that have to be added to the totals, so we may not know for days.  Even tho it looks like Mary and I have the highest numbers, things could change.  Hopefully they will declare the official winners soon.
In her first run for office, Annie took on the current Town Supervisor, who had 22 years of service on the Town Board (last 2 as supervisor) and gave him a run for his money.  Can't wait to see what the news brings tomorrow.
 At 11:30 we stopped in at Barber's for a short time.
I could not have worked with a better team.
 Stay tuned for the final results.
Night all.

(Got home so late I could not get my post up at the right time.)


  1. Congrats to you all, well done after a wonderful campaign. Just as Gary counts the garlic cloves, let those votes add up to you the right way.

  2. Oh I'm so happy for you! What a shame that your whole team didn't get it, but she did the town a great service by asking questions and challenging the system. Hope the numbers keep on this trend!

  3. It must be nerve wracking waiting for all the votes to come in. Fingers crossed for you all!

  4. Keeping fingers crossed . . .

  5. Amazing pictures.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  6. Wasn't it amazing! We have had the warm weather too - weird to be sunbathing in November!!

  7. Yesterday was beautiful and I decided to read this before finding out how the voting went!


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