Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Unbelievable Weather Today (Monday post...went up at 12:05am...oh well)

 Even tho there was a lot of fog this morning, the sun was beaming into the kitchen.

 Seymour spent a long time in one of the piles of hay while the girls were finishing their grain.

 Gary is still breaking up the garlic heads for planting and has 1955 cloves in the ground.

 Could not ask for a more beautiful day.  60 something today and should be near 70 tomorrow.

 I met Sally for lunch down at Java as I had several errands to run.

Had a delicious salad.
 One of my students from long ago stopped for a chat.  She is from San Francisco and is here visiting her mom.  Discovered that we both have a passion for photography.

 Everywhere I went ended up in long conversations about the election, 
which will take place tomorrow.
On the way home I made a stop at Sally's and of course I could not resist taking pictures of the flowers next to her neighbors driveway.  After our three strong frosts, we don't have anything that looks like this.

 Late afternoon I tried to zoom in on the back 40 and my little point and shoot ended up with several distorted shots that looked like paintings.  Go figure.

 We had our last campaign meeting tonight.  Love our team.  They are all smart cookies and so committed to our town.  We have been doing this since April and one way or the other...we will have the results of our work tomorrow night.

 Night all

Here's the latest cheap shot our opponents took today.
It's so ridiculous we are not responding.  How can people who write things 
like this continue to represent us?
We are known as The Campaign For Change and want our residents to know that we are supportive of all parties.  Our opponents call us Dems in Disguise.  I have referred to their FB page several times so the public can see the things they have published in the name of "Responsible Leadership."
They are doing a pretty good job of shooting themselves in the foot and I hope there will be some sort of justice tomorrow.  We have done our best and will survive, no matter what happens.  
Stay tuned.

Regarding this lovely piece....
An Audit by the State Comptroller cited them with all kinds of mismanagement in our Town Court and this is how they are responding.  Sounds pretty desperate to me.  And to think that if any of us get elected, we have to work with people who act like this.  Whatever happened to working together for the community instead of your party?
At the bottom, they are blasting away at our Village government simply because Pro Brockport has endorsed us.  Just last week our opponents said they had a great relationship with the Village  and now they have done this.  Holy Moly!
 This is another thing that got a few laughs today.
They got the names of residents with dogs (wonder if that is legal and how they got them) 
and sent mail to the DOGs (Gucci and Phoebe Skoog were left off the list) with a cartoon figure of a dog saying something like....WOOF WOOF. make sure you tell your people about the wonderful Dog Park our Town officials have planned and how much you look forward to going there.  (Rumor has it that it still needs to be approved).  Anything can happen in an election year.


  1. The truth will win, as it should. Sending all good wishes to the three of you for a successful voting result. Gary, I wondered what you were doing there, massive amount of cloves!!!

  2. It's amazing the legnths people will go to just to get their own way. If it's this bad at local elections it gives you a pretty good idea what's wrong with congress and the senate. Anyway, good luck today!

  3. I hope today went well for all of you!

  4. I've been thinking about you all day! Hope you're holding up well! Crossing my fingers!


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