Friday, May 29, 2015

Here Kitty Kitty....

 At 8:30 this morning a big truck backed into the driveway to deliver my new washing machine.
They were supposed to get here between noon and 4.
This is the first time we have invested in a better quality machine and I'm going to love it.
 Minor detail.  The tub is huge (with no agitator) and so deep I can't reach the bottom!  What was I thinking?  Fortunately it works like a charm.  Put in a load, press power, press start and off it goes.  It knows how much water is needed and I don't have to set anything.  So efficient.
 A little after 10 Ben, our farrier, arrived to trim Abbe and Berlin.  Abbe is still off in her hind right and was not real happy.  Flexor tendon...a little swollen...did not want to put her heel down.
 She got through it, and while Berlin was trimmed
 I soaKed Abbe's leg in cold water, gave her a rubdown with Absorbine and put on a rap for the rest of the day.

 I was doing some paperwork when the phone rang.  It was Bobbie, calling from Java.  She informed me that they were making Apple Cider Chicken Salad today (which is my favorite salad ever) so at 1:30 I drove down for a late lunch.  We trade hay for lunches.  A good deal for both of us.

 It was very hot and muggy when I got home...around 87 degrees.
 Seymour was lounging in the driveway.

 Too hot to make dinner.
Chores around 7.
 Unwrapped Abbe's leg and gave her another rubdown with wrap tonight.

 Gary spent a couple hours planting in the garden...too hot for me.
 A sandwich and chips for dinner with a big glass of organic tomato juice, topped with fresh lemon.
 Night all.


  1. I'll be interested in what you think of your washer in a few months, we hope to remodel and add on after our current medical issues are addressed. Our washer is at least 40yrs old and I so badly would like a new one!

  2. Another full day of activities, love that new washer, I have used one at a friend's home, the lid hinged at the middle to lift, I guess so it will fit a shelf over, no agitator is the answer to no tangled things round those dreaded fins, or whatever they are called. Celebrate!!!

  3. I have a friend who keeps a pair of long barbecue tongs next to her washer so she can reach the bottom! Good little tip. Seymour is too cute!

  4. Nice washer. Maybe a little stool to stand on next to it would help? I have a huge front loader so even though I'm not tall it is easy to get all the laundry out.

    Love Seymour's poses. What a life! Hope Abbe is feeling better soon.

  5. Let me know how you like that washer. No agitator??? That is one fat possum in the driveway! :-D


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