Saturday, May 30, 2015

Don't Bug Me....

Another morning where the breeze made a difference.

 It got steamy very quickly and the clothes dried in no time.
 Gary spent hours in the garden and it was so hot he had to stay hydrated.
We must have 300 onion sets.
 I picked some spinach (we are loaded), and we put some wires up around the raspberry bushes.
 The next time we have a cool day I am going to make some leek and potato soup.

 Time out for lunch.  We have found the best organic tomato juice....yum, with ice and a slice of lemon.
Enjoyed our first sweet!

 I sure hope it rains tonight, as Gary has had to haul a lot of water for his new plants.

 Our next to the last Blue Apron Night.
Curry-Spiced Chicken Thighs with Sugar Snap Peas & Fingerling Potatoes.
 There recipe directions are very clear.

 The salad was not BA.  I had to take advantage of our own spinach and strawberries to make a Saint Tim Salad.
 Another delicious meal.
 Linda (next door) brought a little friend (Bella) over to meet the horses while I was doing chores.

 They also brought along a little bag of carrots that the girls thoroughly enjoyed.

 These last three evenings we have had an incredible number of gnats.  When I take their masks off they can't wait to get in the barn.

 Bella thanked us with these flowers and really enjoyed meeting the girls.

Night all.


  1. Are those leeks shoulder height, if you have a little rest on the ground?? Well earned, Gary. I can see that new washer is thoroughly enjoyed. Beautiful blooms, and scrummy meals too.

  2. Another enjoyable and full day, except for those darn gnats that are plaguing us too. I keep seeing horses without masks and wonder how they're managing!

  3. I bet I can guess what Gary was busy doing in the garden for hours. I have been weeding here too. Your strawberries look wonderful. Mine are a few weeks out. The little girl has beautiful hair!

  4. Gary is quite a dedicated gardener.


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