Sunday, March 22, 2015

It Disappeared...

I was not a happy camper when I woke up to snow.
 Fortunately the sun came out while we were still doing chores.

 By mid afternoon all the snow disappeared.  That solar power beat out the cold temperatures.

 Went out to tuck the girls in a little after 6.  VERY windy and cold.  We will be lucky to be in the teens tonight.

 Gary spent yesterday and today at a ginormus international wine tasting that was held in Rochester.  There were 72 judges (from 50 states and 20 countries) and they sampled 3600 bottles of wine.  There were probably 150 volunteers helping with this event that is a fund raiser for Camp Good Days and Special Times.  At any rate, when it's all over...the volunteers get to take home all the remaining wine.  Gary selected these bottles and there are some people who take boxes and boxes.  It will all be shared in the next few days as all but three were opened.
 I wonder what the price tags were, and which ones won.
 Picked up a couple burgers tonight at Bill Gray's as I had a coupon.  Did not cook dinner.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Same weather here yesterday but it mostly melted.

    Hope you had some wine to celebrate the snow melting!


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