Monday, March 23, 2015

Another Panel Discussion

Another freezing morning saved by the sun.

Had a Doctor's appointment at 11:15 and did some shopping at Weggie's later.
I could not resist buying a $4 bunch of flowers to get some color back in the house.

Made sure dinner was ready by 5:30 as I had to do chores and leave enough time to get down to the college by 7.
A salad with apples and craisins along with BBQued boneless ribs and sweet potatoes.

Had the girls tucked in by 6:30.

We got down to Tuttle North right on time.
Tonight 6 of us were participating in another panel discussion.
This time Gary joined us.

Once again, we were invited to speak to the Physical Activity and Adulthood Class.

This is....
Dr. Pamela Haibach
Associate Professor
SUNY College at Brockport
Co-Director of the Institute of Movement Studies
     for Individuals with Visual Impairments
Kinesiology Major Coordinator
International Studies Coordinator

We were also there for her class last semester.  What a pleasure!

First we were asked specific questions.
(Great snacks and drinks were available)
Then each of us joined a table of students so we could exchange info and answer more questions.
I hope the students enjoyed it as much as we did.
Thank you Pam.

Night all.

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