Thursday, February 12, 2015

Another Polar Plunge...

Just what we needed...4 or 5 more inches of fluff waiting for us this morning.

 A perfect day for oatmeal.
 At 11:30 I drove through blizzard conditions to Carol's house for lunch and bridge.
 She made some outstanding vegetable soup and bread pudding for dessert.
My partner and I came in's always a surprise in duplicate.

 On the way home it was blowing like crazy but the roads were not too bad.

 Gary was watching Finn and Coop after school.
When I got back to the farm, I started a fire as the temperature was dropping quickly.
Chores at 5:30.  Karen had put the horses in their stalls earlier, which made my job very easy.
 The temperature is now 5 degrees and we are headed for strong winds and a windchill of -23-30 by morning.  We are on such a roll with this weather!!!!!
Night all.
Stay warm!


  1. Do stay warm. We will be in the single digits for this weekend. Not looking forward to it.

  2. Sorry but it was 82 degrees here today
    Lily & Edward

  3. Enough with the yucky stuff! I'd forbid it to snow there anymore but, yeah, it wouldn't work, sorry!

  4. I am grow weary of this Polar Plunge thing:) Keep warm and safe. Hug B

  5. Beautiful photos. We are getting a blizzard here in Montreal Saturday afternoon and it was freezing on Friday. Happy Valentine's Day. :)


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