Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Finally, Sunshine

It's been quite awhile since there was color in the morning sky.

Tonight Gary made a presentation at the Morgan Manning House.

In September of 1964 there was a fire there and he and Ann O'Toole traced it's history from 1965-1968, as it changed from a private residence to the Western Monroe Historical Society.  It took a lot of money and sweat, which was provided by caring community members.

 There was a good crowd and they seemed very receptive to the topic, adding personal memories to that time frame.
As you can see, the house has been beautifully restored.

  10pm and the temperature is 30 degrees.  The rest of the week is going to be nasty.  The high for Sunday is -1.  Friday 5.  25 below 0 with windchills.  I can't wait.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful photos, but I suspect you are as over cold weather as I am!

  2. Yes we are getting into those dangerous below zero wind chills right now. Looks like goggles and face mask for chores!
    I'll probably hike down through the woods today, I manage to stay in the sunlight and out of the wind, then it isn't bad.
    Hope you all stay cozy this weekend!

  3. Way too cold for me to imagine, I have never been in that extreme ever. Lovely morning views, down here it is greyish, a little light starting from the East, Looks like your snow blower will get more workouts today. keep warm and snug.

  4. It is going to be cold here in Tennessee as well. I think on Saturday night it is supposed to go down to 12 degrees which doesn't sound extreme but we are definitely not acclimated to that here. On the other hand there is a chance of snow on Monday evening and even I wouldn't mind some snow. We haven't had measurable snow in a couple of years and it is past time to build a snowman.


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