Friday, February 13, 2015

The Deep Freeze....

It's a darn good thing the sun came out today!
We started off at 3 degrees and right now it's only 4.

 Our chorus sang at The Center today and we also had lunch.  On the 2nd Friday of each month they are having special luncheons.  This time the theme was Valentine's Day.
 Deanna Irvine, the building supervisor/director has done a great job restoring energy and increasing participation.
 We had fettucini alfredo with chicken
 a green salad with crusty bread
 and a variety of cookies
 and cupcakes.
 Quite a success considering the frigid temperatures.
 Stopped at Wegmans on the way home, then actually got in bed and took a nap.  Gary spent the day delivering flowers for Arjuna.  A big rush, and more flowers going out tomorrow.

Slept like a rock and went out to do chores at 5:45.
 Tucked the girls in for the night with extra hay.
At 7 we drove into Brockport for cooking for me.
Night all.


  1. This looks way too much snow to venture out anywhere, so well done to even go past your front gate. Lovely heart biscuits, I had forgotten about it being Valentine's Day, too much else to do and think about down here. Keep warm.

  2. Sounds like a carbon copy of our weather. That nap sounds perfect!

  3. Nap was on my agenda yesterday also. Deep freeze with nasty winds kept us indoors after chores. I read a book and enjoyed a quiet day.
    Wow, look at all of that snow!
    Stay warm.


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