Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Actually, it did not feel that bad when I went out to the barn this morning.  Karen had to work and did not make it until much later, so Gary helped me.  I heated up the beet pulp so the girls had a little warmth with their grain.  Then I put some hay in the front paddock and cleaned the stalls.  It started getting very windy and the temperature dropped...ended up putting hay in the indoor where it was really quite comfortable.

 Did they appreciate it?  NO!!!  All they wanted to do was go crazy!
Not a good situation, so I opened the door and let them go in and out when they wanted to.
 Finally, at 10am I gave up and put them in the barn for the day.  -20 is no picnic.

Gucci, Phoebe, Sidney and I stayed close to the fire, while Seymour and Sophie sacked out in the basement.  They each have a bed under the hot water pipes.  I imagine they will be coming in the house anytime now.

 Karen arrived just before chore time so the horses had a chance to stretch outside for half an hour while we cleaned the stalls and set them up again.

 I'll go out one more time with some warm water.
Dinner was a no brainer.  
Chicken soup and
 Johnny cake.  Gucci (more than Phoebe) loved the soup part.
That's it for now.
Night all.

Thanks to all of you for caring about Gucci.
She and I have turned the corner.


  1. Gucci is looking good and sounds like you're feeling better. -20 is no picnic that's for sure. We're not quite that cold during the day but will be tonight. I think the girls were just getting in their aerobic morning exercise in the indoor. Perfect place for a workout! Seriously, sometimes I wonder what they're thinking...or not thinking. Mine are "special" too!

  2. Happy to hear that both you and Gucci have turned the corner . . . xx

  3. WARM way to end a frigid. Throw another stick of wood on the fire.

  4. Those are some frisky mares! Glad you and Gucci have both turned the corner, hope you finally feel 100% again soon.


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