Thursday, September 11, 2014

Nine Eleven....

A day to remember....
 It rained much of the night, but it stopped by the time the stalls were cleaned.

 The temperature dropped and it was very windy...decided to go on a trike ride anyway.  Just went down the road in front of our house in case it started to rain again.  Fortunately the shoulders are very wide.

At 1 I went down to Brockport for our first bridge date and on the way, passed the 9/11 monument.  Police officers and firemen were on duty for much of the day.  Richard Crone, a local sculptor, created this piece in wood and it was later cast in bronze.  Thinking about that day and all those who have suffered is more than heartbreaking.
                                   I had mediocre cards and don't think we did very well.
What would you bid with this hand Sally?
 At 4 I ran over to the SSC meeting and got home a little after 5.
There was a message waiting from Jack R.  Today was Louise's birthday and he needed some company...wanted to go out to dinner.

We went to Grampa Sams in Spencerport.

 Excellent meals.

 Before we ate, we toasted Louise.

I hope she heard us.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful horsies. It's hard to believe it was 13 years ago.
    Lily & Edward

  2. What a hard day -- 9/11 and Louise. Hugs.

  3. Thanks for showing the monument, Lori. 9/11 has many memories for me personally. My dad passed away on 9th Sept 2000. A year later the horrific attack on America which touched even those of us in far away countries. Last year (2013) a good friend died in South Africa of malaria, contracted here in EA. His widow, Rina is the lady now living in our house back in Marquard. Love the hand of cards! Have a great weekend. Jo

  4. Ah... Brockport, Spenserport, East Rochester all hangouts for me awhile back. Good memories too.


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