Friday, September 12, 2014

Peach Jam....

After feeding and cleaning the stalls, I went out to pick the pastures.
 The girls kept me company.  It was raining when I left the house and ended up being sunny.  The temperature was 15 degrees below the 50s.

 Sidney followed me from pasture to pasture.

 Took a quick shower and headed out to Randy and Arlene's to make peach jam.

 I give Randy a lot of credit....he does all different kinds of jam every year.  This time, he motivated me to get the lead out and I joined him.

 Home for lunch, then Gucci, Phoebe and I ran a couple errands.  When I opened up the back of my Escape to put in some groceries....this was my view.
 They love going with me and today it was finally cool enough.
 Seems like a weird time for these to show up in our garden.
 Tonight Karen was in charge of dinner.  I made coleslaw and Gary picked some corn.
 She also served some of our potatoes,
 and some thinly sliced pork topped with caramelized onions and a mustard/raspberry vinegarette sauce.
 Another great meal!

 When we finished eating, Gary worked in the back garden...
 while Karen and I went out to the barn.  Poor Angel was very gimpy this morning and we are not sure if it's an abscess yet.

 Got them all tucked in and closed some of the barn doors.  It could be in the 40s tonight.
I think I'll get under a blanket and watch a movie.
Night all.


  1. Dear Lori, you know, you need to do a book that just features photographs of the meals you prepare. They always look so delicious with a French flair for color.

    As to the weather. Here, too, in Missouri it was quite cool today. I so enjoyed walking. And the cats love the windows being open. They can lie on the window perches and "read the newspaper" of the neighbor. (May Sarton came up with that phrase.)

    I so hope that Angel doesn't have an abscess.


  2. Love peach jam! Looks delicious.

    Gucci and Phoebe are just too adorable. Great pictures.

  3. Are those some of Robin's fall blooming crocuses? Mine are blooming now too and look just like that.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day! That peach jam is beautiful with the light shining through it.

  5. Best of luck to Angel.
    I like your copilots.
    I agree with Sara - that looks like Fall crocus. I like their other name, "Naked Ladies".

  6. People who do not experience summer gardens miss a lot of life. Your corn looks scrumptious!


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