Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Last night I managed to take a shot of the moon, but I was too lazy to post it.
 While I was out there, I could not resist grabbing a shot of the morning glories at night.
 Today started out with a little sky drama, but it did not last long.
 Karen had the morning off so I had duty on my own.

 Our chorus rehearsals started today.  It felt good to sing again and I was happy to see so many new people.
 As soon as we finished I went over to Hanny's to prepare for our SSC meeting tomorrow.  Saving the Senior Center is turning into quite a challenge, but we are staying positive and doing our homework. 

When I got back to the farm I managed to make another batch of sauce and that's about all that was accomplished.  Our wi-fi is too old to support the computer, ipad, iphone etc. so I spent some time chatting with Linksys and should have what I need in a couple of days.  It's like dominoes.  Cha ching...cha ching.

By the time I went out for evening chores, it was sprinkling and much darker than usual.

 The weatherman said we could have night temperatures in the mid 40s later in the week.
The ponies will get a lot fuzzier if that happens.

 We had another late dinner....a new salad and leftover eggplant parm.  Still a big yum.
Maybe I will finally get in a trike ride tomorrow....if it's not pouring.
Night all.


  1. Fabulous pic of the moon!
    So sorry the Senior Center project is off to a slow start. I truly hope it all works out.

  2. Good night!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3

  3. Yeah. Mornings often start with so much promise.


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