Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Foggy Foggy Dew....

 Woke up to some very thick fog.

 So thick we almost had to cancel a hay delivery.
 "Ok, good.  We will see you in 20 minutes."
 By 11, it was clear enough for Ted to get here without soaking the hay.

 100 bales with more coming...if we can get a series of nice dry days.
 Is Karen superwoman or what?
 At 1, Stephanie (our farrier) arrived.

 When she finished Abbe, who was still sore in her hind left, a little massage was in order.
 Look at what Gary picked today.  It's the first time we have grown potatoes and they are beautiful....about 50 pounds.
 I went to Weggies while he continued to work in the gardens.  Made a gigunda container of watermelon and grapes when I got home.  We like to keep this in the frig for breakfast or snacks.
 Took time off for a couple hours this afternoon and watched a movie.  "Nebraska."  Did you see it?
Very different and artistic.

Started chores a little early, as we were invited to a party down at the Finks.

For the past several years we have enjoyed this meal, catered by the Dinosaur BarBQue in Rochester.
 Andrew comes home from New York and invites many of his pals (most of whom are Jenny's age) along with the Smags and us.  His parents are our friends and we are honored to be included with all these young people.  Many of them were my students.

 It's always a good time, and you can imagine how good that food was.
 Jenny lives a few blocks away and always walks over with her wagon filled with chairs and refreshments.  We added a bag of potatoes and Coop's backpack for the trip home.
 Another long day.

 Have you ever seen these flowers?  A friend gave us a couple of little plants a few years ago and now we have a gazilion.  We call them turtles.
Time for pjs.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful flowers, I can see how close they resemble their name. Love the wagon, and goodies on the tables too. What a wonderful day for all. Cheers, Jean.

  2. Love the fog shots.
    We just got back from the Catskill Mountains~
    thought of you and your farm as as we headed through beautiful farm country in New York :)

  3. What a fun party!
    Yes, Karen is superwoman. No way could I carry 2 hay bales.

  4. Coronas and limes and stars. Gotta love that night.

  5. You are always up to so much fun. Love your new header!


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