Friday, August 22, 2014

The Road Not Taken....

 Semi-muggy this morning.
 After chores I went for a trike ride down Ladue Road.
 Did I want to go South on Redman Road?
 or North?
 Neither....I went straight.

At 11:30 I left for Brockport.  Had to be at the Strasser Studio by noon for a drumming rehearsal before our walk through and performance at the college....convocation.  Last year was my first time and this year I knew what to expect.  Unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to get a lot of pictures as I was very busy.
 We had 4 assignments.  The first was to lead the faculty and administration into the event where all the new students were surrounding us in bleachers.  It's a huge space and holds thousands.
 Next, we were formally introduced as Sankofa (Dance and Drumming Ensemble) and performed with two dancers.
 Below is Khalid Saleem, a master drummer and the musical director of Sankofa (you have seen him many times at our Saturday practices).

 This is Clyde Morgan...he is the choreographer for this group....

 At the end of the program we led the students, faculty and administrators out of the building...

 And finally, we drummed until the last person left.
A very good experience for me and the new freshman class.  Very up!

Home around 5:30 and fed the girls at 7:15.

 Gary spent much of the day in the garden.  Here are a few of the things he picked.  
How do you like the basket?  When I went for my trike ride two days ago someone had thrown it out for the pick-up and I could not resist taking it.  Perfect for collecting the bounty.
 Too tired to cook so Gary took me out to dinner.  I had chicken souvlaki and he had to help me eat it after he finished his fish.
I can't wait to crawl into bed.
Night all.


  1. Your days are always chocked full. You must sleep well. btw Love the banner boat.

  2. A very full day.
    Nice basket, great price, lol.


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