Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Last night we lost our good friend Louise...the Lady of Apple Creek Farm. Such a special person.  She was a master gardener, and a week ago Friday I brought her the flowers in my header shot.  Now she's gone and will be missed by so many.  She put up a very good fight.
 The sun was shining for her this morning.

For the rest of us, life goes on...and we need to appreciate every minute.  Even the simple things, like doing chores...

 and hanging the onions up to dry.
 Funny thing...so much of this post is about flowers...I did not plan it.

Class today.  Remember me telling you that we are pressing flowers to create things that we will later make into cards?  Here are a couple that we worked on.
 This is my butterfly.

Tina created a very exotic bug.
My can-can dancer.
 Is anyone out there up for trying this?
Gather some flowers, put them in several folded pieces of wax paper and set them in an old phone book topped with some heavy books (to flatten them).  You can use leaves, petals, clover....let your imagination go wild.  We set them on heavy water color paper.  Tina used two sided tape to hold hers in place....mine are just sitting there.  You can take photos and have them made into cards or figure out the best way to attach them to the paper permanently.

Donna, Shamra and Helen are working with watercolors, but I have a feeling they will be bringing in their dried flowers next week.

 Had an appointment with the Massage Therapist at 2.  No more videos of fish...she has moved her office to her home, and I grabbed some flower shots instead.

Finally finished the banner for our drumming group.  Karen was kind enough to sew on the letters....hope they approve.  Now when we drum for cancer walks and runs (or whatever) they will at least know who we are.
 Today we had our first morning glory.  There have been tons of leaves, but no blossoms.  First time we have grown them...do they always bloom this late?
 Dinner, ah yes....Veggie cheeseburgers with fried onions and peppers, roasted potatoes, green beans from the garden and a salad made by Karen.  Sara...you would have loved it....I think.  Not sure it can compete with Auntie Reg's early birthday dinner for you.
 We are supposed to have rain for the next couple of days, so we decided to mow the lawn after we ate.  Karen fed the horses and Gary and I were out there until dark.

At least it got done.
Night all.



  1. Oh Lori, I'm so sorry your friend Louise passed away.

  2. I'm so sorry about losing Louise. She looks so young and full of life in the photo. I love the flower art -- especially the bugs.

  3. I am very sorry for your lose, she looks much too young to be gone already.

    I do love those pressed flowers, those "bugs" are great.

  4. A lovely flower life keeps moving on tribute.

  5. So sorry for your loss!

    The pressed flower creations are beyond beautiful!!

    Wanted to tell you I got a veggie spaghetti maker and have enjoyed them several times so far, lightly sauteed in garlic olive oil and butter with salt and pepper and a small dash of Italian Herbs. Thanks for the tip!

  6. Dear Lori, I don't remember from the farm on which I grew up when morning glories bloom. So many years ago!

    I enjoyed all your photographs and text and I'm saddened to learn that one of your friends died so quickly. I hope you have the opportunity to say good-bye.

    The photograph/painting at the top of your blog is simply magnificent. Peace.

  7. I am very sorry for the loss of your friend - she seems to have been quite the lively one. And my condolences to her family and friends.

  8. I'm sorry you lost a dear friend. The flowers, creations and pics are beautiful. It's always good to be reminded of our blessings... Thank you.


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