Monday, August 18, 2014


 Boy, have we been having some cool mornings.  Tomorrow it might not even be 50 degrees when we get up.  I sure hope it's going to be possible to get in the 2nd cutting hay that I have ordered.

 After chores I went for a trike ride and stopped in at a neighbors, so D. could try out my trike.  This is their new dog, Penny.  She did not know if she could trust me.  Adorable.
 What a beautiful property...

 D. was not up yet, so I continued my ride.
 I'm doing alright on the hills.  Pretty different from riding my regular bike.

 On my way home, D. was available to try my trike...but B. got on it first. 
This afternoon Cooper and a friend came to the farm and wanted to work in the gardens.
They picked green beans...
 and carrots (which they enjoyed eating).
 We sent them home with a bag of each along with some lettuce.

Karen had a cauliflower in the frig that needed cooking so I decided to make a casserole.
In a pot of water, I added a little stock....the cauliflower, a huge onion and a couple of carrots.
 Removed all that when everything was tender and saved the broth.
 Made a cheese sauce (extra sharp cheddar) and used some of the stock when I made the roo (forgot how to spell
In the meantime I hard boiled 4 eggs and quartered them.  Put them on the top for the last 10 minutes.
 If you are into veggies...this is really delish.

 Served it with a salad and grilled bread.
 Chores at 7:30.  Very peaceful out there.

It's actually a very sad time, as our friend L. is now in comfort care.  I'm so glad I was able to visit and help her before she was moved there.
Night all.


  1. Brett's not really into cauliflower but I bet he'd eat it with that cheese sauce (made from a roux). Cool mornings are the best; we have temps in the upper 50s in the early mornings, warming up to 90ish during the day. Sorry about your friend... its the worst part about getting older; losing friends.

  2. I'm so sorry about your friend.
    The new dog is so cute.

  3. I hope you will still get to go visit your friend. I just love that you bike. It seems right out of the movies.

  4. I have a friend who's probably close to needing comfort care. Sad here too :-(.


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