Sunday, March 16, 2014

Uniforms Are Optional...

A crazy day.

The morning started of with a windchill of 0!  So I'll start off with some flowers to counter balance that.

The sunrise was beautiful and we got through chores quickly.

 I love this old barn.  The stalls are pretty primitive, but they are huge and comfy for the girls.

 Was not very productive this morning.  

At 1 we went out to Ann and Ron's for a Saint Patrick's Day celebration that they hold in honor of Ann's Mom's birthday.  It is Irish all the way. 

This year the theme was uniforms and if you felt like wearing one, it was an option.

 When you entered there was a greeting party playing bells and kazoos.  Most of their guests were from the neighborhood.
(Prom Queen)

 We all brought a dish to pass and were very well fed.
 Tip of the iceburg.

Gary had a meeting at the library at 4:30 and I went home to take care of the critters.
 The sun was still putting out some heat but the temperature remained frigid.

 Tucked the girls in...

 and even tho it was after 7 when I got back in the house, the sun was still blasting away into the living room and library.
 A few minutes ago I let the dogs out and could not believe the I dug out my camera and took more pictures.

Whew!  That was a long one.
Night all.


  1. Gorgeous photos of the Full Worm Moon ! :))

  2. Beautiful moon shots!

    Love your barn too. It looks so cozy and inviting.

  3. Well Happy St. Patricks Day to you!
    Wonderful full moon and other shots!

    You sure do know how to have a good time.

  4. From gorgeous fleurs to bountiful moon, with lots of pajazz in between! You warm up a collllld day. . . xx

  5. p. s. Those last two moon shots w/branches would make great cards, mm?


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