Monday, March 17, 2014

Another Transition...

 Crisp and bright this morning.
More know what that means.

We are 20 degrees below average, and if we are lucky....the temp will go up to 40 degrees for the next 5 days.  That could make a difference.


 After chores I went on a hunt for some frames.  Tina and Roger enlarged some of my photos so I can put them in our upcoming show at A Different Path Gallery.
 Could not get clear shots because of the glass.
 But I am very happy with them.
 All four were manipulated with Photoshop Elements adding texture.
 Went out to do chores a little early as Jenny, Scott, Finn and Coop were coming for dinner.
 So many times it is the most beautiful part of the day.

 If I only looked like my shadow...distorted in a positive way.  Only in my dreams will I be tall and skinny.

 I had almost everything ready for dinner before I went out.  Jenny finished off the salad.

 Chicken Helen topped with a honey mustard sauce.
 Mashed potatoes and gravy.
 We were all members of the clean plate club.  So good.
Tomorrow is another day.
Night all.


  1. Hi Lori! Another snow day for us in Virginia, but it's quickly melting, as we will also have a big warm up. I hope those spring flowers show up soon--Some already have them, but I'll wait my turn! I'm glad you had a good, and productive day! Take care!

  2. Wish I could make it to that show you are so very talented my friend, they will be well received. Still cold:( Hug B

  3. I'm sure your pictures will be a huge success at the show. Lovely!

    Dinner looks very tasty as usual. Glad you're warming up a little.

  4. Hope your warm weather and the spring arrives soon, Lori. I love your framed pictures. I found some bell-shaped flowers in the veld on Sunday and Grant stopped so that I could photograph them. you can see them on my post tomorrow. (Wednesday) Have a great day. Jo

  5. 40 degrees is totally acceptable if wind doesn't accompany it. Your framed photos look awesome!

  6. Looking great! We had a snow melt yesterday and snow today.

    Oh sigh.

  7. Oh, my... the flowers made me think that spring had sprung in your area... so, I was a bit taken aback by seeing reality with the snow! Ugh!
    The framed photos are wonderful... I think you should put the third picture you took in the show, and title it "Reflections"!


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