Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Moon and The Sun...No Stars

 Some melting today....but we still have snow.

 The moon was spectacular last night.
This morning the sunrise was equally so.

 In fact, the moon was still high in the sky to the west while I was taking the shots toward the east.

 We have been flying through chores.

It was even bright when I got in the house.

 Class at 10:30.
Took some blurry pictures that I could not post.  Here's what worked.

 Vegged this afternoon and did not do chores until after 6.
 Rolling must have been the major activity this afternoon.

 I don't know what prompted him, but Gary came out and picked the paddock for me!

 I have now opened the exterior door by Maggie's stall.  During the winter I close it off and tighten things up so it keeps out the weather.  Now I will just close the door at night without the extras.  It sure lets in a lot of light.
 Tucked the girls in and was ready for dinner.
 Coleslaw with fresh pineapple, carrots, apples...
leftover chicken Helen and bazmati rice.
 Headed for the fire.
Night all.


  1. Your dogs look like the best snugglers.

  2. That cole slaw looks interesting - and delicious! Leftover spaghetti and salad here for dinner.

  3. The moon and sun look awesome!

    We had a major herd rolling event here too. Plenty of mud to knock off of hairy coats.

  4. I love the art, especially the cat. Imagine that I also saw that same moon way over here in East Africa! Here's to a wonderful day, Lori. Jo

  5. Still snowy, but at least the light looks nice. Great moon shots!


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