Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Shine and Rain....

We had it all today.  Sun, 50 degrees and rain.

 The sky changed this much between 7 and 8 am.

 Dropped my car off for an oil change and walked over to chorus.
We are singing a spiritual called "I Want To Be Ready" and these were two solo parts.  There is a performance on Sunday...our busy season has begun.

A quiet afternoon.  Gary had a board meeting tonight at 6. I did chores a little early as it started to rain.

 I had not shut Abbe's gate so she thought she could come over and help Berlin with her grain.

 As you can see, a lot of the snow has melted.
 It's a very ugly time of the year, as far as I am concerned.
 The good news!  Pretty soon I can stop posting a "wishful thinking" flower everyday.

 A veggie cheesebunger for dinner with a side of coleslaw.  Not worth taking a picture.

Yesterday, one of my students from the past gave me this painting of a buffalo.  Thank you Mel!  I love having this on my wall and will hang it in the show next month.  (pardon the glare...I tried to crop it out)
Night all.


  1. Love that painting Lori!

    Sounds like Spring has arrived in your area. xo

  2. Left a reply to your comment about abscesses over on the Oak Creek blog . . .

  3. Your sky heralds a promise of warmer days ahead, love the new header, super lighting, and the painting, what a gift. looks like some of that pristine white stuff has turned to slush, hope it vanishes and green grass appears very soon. Cheers, Jean.


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