Thursday, March 20, 2014

That's Amore!

Another ugmo day.
The snow is not gone, so more flowers.

We had mist...we had rain...we had spitting snow.

At 11am we hooked up with Roger and Tina and headed into Rochester for a little adventure.
Our first stop was at the studio of Carey Corea.  He and Roger had an advertising agency for years, so the connection. We were invited to have a look.
 It's located in a carriage house and is jam picked with work.
 Carey holds a BFA from RIT and is man of many talents.

 Encaustic work


 A two story installation at ABVI
 and more.  The place was bursting with his work.
 (Carey is on the right)
 He must have known we were coming and had this big S on the wall.
 Our next stop was Amore's which is part of the East Avenue Wegmans.  Roger was given a gift certificate (by Wegmans) and once again he treated us to lunch.
  Thanks and more thanks.

 We started off with a wood fired pizza for an appetizer.
 Roger and Tina had chicken parm sandwiches with a side spinach salad.
Gary had a roasted tomato sandwich with a side spinach salad.
I had penne with vodka sauce and an escarole salad.
We were so busy eating I did not remember to take pictures.
 I would go there again.  Great service and excellent food.

 I saw this quote on the way out.
 When we got home Gary went over to Sandy's to start working on a painting project and I watched a foreign film before I went out to do chores.

It was a muddy mess and the girls had wet blankets.  Put them in at the right time before they got soaked.

 No need for a regular dinner tonight.
 We just had a big salad and some crackers with egg salad.
Night all.


  1. What an amazing variety of art in Carey Corea's studio. Thanks for taking us through there. I hope this weekend brings real spring to you, Lori. Greetings. Jo

  2. Beautiful flowers, awesome gallery. Mom loves that stuff
    Lily & Edward

  3. Loved all the art in the gallery. The flying horse reminded me of the old gas station sign from Texaco was it or Esso. Can't remember now.

    Lunch looks great. You really have a lot of wet there. I feel for you and the girls.

  4. Dear Lori, perhaps I've said this before in a comment, but if so, it bears repeating: I always sigh in contentment when I finish reading one of your postings and gazing long and hard at your photographs. Life is good, isn't it. Peace.

  5. Awesome photography by you and I loved all the paintings. What a fantastic restaurant as well.

  6. Luv that studio tour -- merci. And I can tell how primed you are for the arrival of Real Flowers 2014. xx

  7. P. S. Esp. cool photo of cat in the window frame . . . another one for a card?


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