Friday, March 21, 2014

Ra Cha Cha

(That would be Rochester)

And since there is still snow on the is my flower photo for today.
A relatively quiet morning.
We seem to be flying through chores.

A couple of things going on in Rochester today, so Gary and I left the farm a little after 10:30 and drove in.
 It's a pretty cool city and sure has a lot to offer.

 Around 11 we turned onto a side street in an old neighborhood...
 and ended up at the Swan Market.  I've taken you here before.
 It's just a little hole in the wall place, but a favorite for many.  We met Scott and Jenny there for lunch.  By 11:15 they had no split pea soup left....sold out.
 As soon as you sit down they bring you a basket of Rye bread.  What to order?????

Jenny always gets the same thing.  Schnitzel with mushroom gravy, noodles and red cabbage.

Scott got a roasted pork with stuffing, noodles and German potato salad.

 Gary got a sampler plate with a little bit of everything.

 I got knockwurst and some spicy sausage (can't remember the name) with red cabbage and German potato salad.  Pardon the fuzzy pictures...I must have been in a hurry.

All the sausages are made in house and so are the sides.  Fresh and delicious.
 Around 12:30 Jenny went back to work, Scott???? and Gary and I went to an elementary school that was nearby.  Some of our Saturday drummers volunteered to do a session with 4 of the classes and it was arranged by Stan, who is a friend of one of the teachers.

 The kids were very willing to participate when they had a chance to join us.

 A good experience for all.  We are very interested in community service and this was a lot of fun.

Left the city around 2:45.  By then, the sun was out and the day was looking pretty good.

 As per usual, the sun was the brightest when I went out to do evening chores.

 By now you must have figured out what the girls did all afternoon.

 They all need a good brushing.

A beautiful sunset (no beautiful sunrise this morning).

 Made a quick (yummy) salad.
 Seeing I was gone all day, I yanked some lasagna out of the freezer and heated it up for dinner.
 We did not get to it until after 7:30....fine with me.
Off duty now.
Night all.


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