Saturday, March 15, 2014

Shepard's Pie...

 Last night we got some rain, so the snow started disappearing more quickly.  This morning it was so windy we had to put the hay in nets so it would not blow away.

 This is such an ugmo time of the year...but I will take it, if that snow will just take a powder.

 Worked on some bean salad when I got in the house. 
 I like to make a big batch so we can have it around for awhile.
 Did chores a little early as we were going out to dinner.

 At 6:30, Gary drove Sandy, Sally and me down to Judy's where we had a real feast.

 Shepard's Pie, Salad, Irish Soda Bread with blue cheese....
 and gingerbread with fresh whipped cream for dessert.
Irish Coffee for those who wanted to indulge.
 We were all full and sitting by the fire finished us off.
 Did you think I forgot about the flowers?
Still melting and waiting for spring.  No more big snows please.

Night all.


  1. That yard looks very slushy, super meal, and the daffs, glorious herald of spring. Cheers, Jean.

  2. That food looks WONDERFUL and nice and warm!

  3. Great food!

    The yard looks slushy and muddy. Mine too. Thanks for the daffodils.

  4. A few days of wind to try that up and you will be well on your way to spring. Gingerbread cake and whipped cream sound so amazing right now. Loved all the photos.

  5. Hi Lori, my Internet is so slow tonight, I cannot see your flowers. However, I managed to post a couple on my blog tomorrow (Monday) for you. Hope your spring is on its way at last. Have a great week. Jo

  6. A great meal with great people and the bonus of a fire. Nice!

  7. Gingerbread w/fresh whipped cream -- oh! Salivating . . .


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