Friday, March 14, 2014

And Then It Started To Melt...

No beautiful sunrise this morning.  We started out with a lot of snow and the temperature skyrocketed up to 50 with bright sunshine for most of the day.  The breeze made it cooler, but the solar started doing it's job.
 I babysat this Bird Of Paradise for a friend a couple of winters ago as it was too big for her condo.  It kept on blooming for weeks.  Unfortunately I had to give it back when summer rolled around so she could put it out on her patio.  Last year she split it into several plants and now I have one again.  Growing, but has not bloomed yet.  Yes, we still have a lot of snow (even tho it is melting temporarily) and I have plenty of flowers to post until it disappears.

About today....
 Not the most beautiful morning, but Karen and I did our thing in record time.

 At 10 I met Gary at Java for a committee meeting regarding the Summer Serenades program held at the Welcome Center during July and August.  As you can see, the village has no shortage of snow.

 We left at 11 and the sun was brilliant....decided to go down to the Millhouse for Lunch.
 Home for a couple of hours (Gary had another meeting at noon) and then back to Brockport for an appointment with the massage therapist.  I really needed it after all that shoveling.  Hot stones.
 I can't resist doing a video of the fish when I am there.  So peaceful.

Stopped at Wegmans on the way home and went out a little later for evening chores.

 The sunset was going to be a beauty.

 Once again, the girls were hanging out in the indoor.
 Tucked them in and discovered dripping in the old Moon stall.

 I had not been up in the loft (should have checked) and apparently a good amount of snow blew in during the blizzard.  Today, it was melting and made a mess.  After I got rid of the snow and swept up the water I grabbed a few shots out back.

 Did not get back in the house until 7:30.  Made a simple salad with tomato, cucumber and onion.
 We also had Italian Sausage with peppers and onions.
That's it.
Night all.


  1. Pretty Bird!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    =^..^= <3

  2. Gorgeous plant. Beautiful sunset too. Really liked the picture at the therapists with the wolf. Bet those stones felt good!


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