Thursday, March 13, 2014

It Finally Stopped Snowing!

The sun came out big time, but with the windchill it was below 0.

Last night it looked like this at 1:30am.
 By 6am we were shoveling.

 Gary and I cleared this whole section of the driveway so we could get a car out and Karen would have a place to park this morning.  The snow was very deep but we managed.

 We were very lucky to have Scott show up to plow the rest.  We traded him some of Gary's pickles and a bag of Vordags.
 Took a quick trip to Country Max to get some shavings.
 Gary met Finn and Coop after school and I vegged at home.

 This is the first day I've seen all 4 horses hang out in the indoor.  Must have been the wind.

 Got things ready for Karen to do chores tonight...we had a performance at the high school and had to be there by 6.
 We sang by ourselves, and with the high school and middle school choruses.

 Love singing with all these kids.  With all the groups combined there were over 150 voices.
We started with a warm up in the choir room.
 Then moved to the auditorium ...the house was packed.

Here are some samples....  Unfortunately I could not get pictures of our chorus.

 The middle school chorus was very impressive...

and the high school kids never cease to amaze me.

 I could have listened to the pianist all night.  So talented.

The quality of the music program in Brockport is off the charts.  We are so fortunate to be invited to perform with them.  They will join us at our concert in May.

Time to crash.
Night all.

Here's my flower shot for today.


  1. Oh I just love that white colonial across the street!!! Glad the performance went well. All the snow certainly is pretty. Brrr.

  2. Mother Nature sure must love those of you on the other side of the lake:) Spring is coming I think:)
    They sound wonderful. Hugs B

  3. Great concert! Hope you warm up today"

  4. Wow, must be something to have that late of a storm, I hope we can avoid that!

  5. Lori, did you and Gary clear the driveway by hand? I can't believe the depth of snow. The choirs' singing was a real treat to me, here in the boondoks with no [such] culture. Sorry I didn't post a flower/bloom today as I've been without Internet and then power, and now everything is so slow! Will be on again tomorrow! Keep yourselves warm. Greetings. Jo

  6. Days and nights of snow and music! Hope your back is okay from all that shoveling. . . xx

  7. Gorgeous if you can stay in and look out. Bet those voices sound awfully good
    Lily & Edward

  8. Wow...the rest of the country is deep in winter-how crazy! I cannot believe how much snow you have! Sending a warm hug to all of you!!

  9. Wow! The rest of the country is is deep winter-crazy! I cannot believe how much snow you still have! Sending lots of warm hugs your way!


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