Friday, March 7, 2014

Random 5 Friday

Five reasons I can't wait for winter to be done and over with!

To view other Random 5 posts, click on the logo in my sidebar.


  1. Did you have any trouble with the link up today Lori? I can't do any linkys that use Linky Tools. Just doesn't work.

    Gorgeous flowers -- waiting for color here! :)

  2. Oh yes very good reasons Beautiful. It is funny I was talking about Winter sticking around today:) Hug B

  3. Lori -- I added your link. Not sure what the problem is. So sorry!

  4. What a lovely Random 5. I hope your winter will soon be done with and over with. It must have been very hard for you and your critters.

  5. 5 perfect reasons. I agree completely.

  6. Seems so hard to imagine that these beauties will return! xx


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