Friday, March 7, 2014

Boy! Did We Catch A Break!

 And it was gorgeous from morning 'til night.

 Karen and I were finished with chores very early.  The girls were catching some rays.

I was invited out to lunch at Joanne's and on the way to her house I ran several errands....paid the taxes, had posters printed for the art show and stopped at Verizon.

Delicious, relaxing and lots of time for catching up.

 Got home a little before three and started making lasagna (again) for dinner.
A request.  I'm going to be the lasagna queen.

 Got in an orb contest with Ron (Nova Scotia).  Here are some of my results.

(These are my flower shots for the day).
A friend (Stan my drumming buddy) saw them and was curious, so I sent him the directions and now he is getting "orbital."
 The temperature went up to 49.
Phoebe and Gucci were sunbathing in the library.

 Nice and light out there for evening chores.

Tucked the girls in before
Jenny and Scott joined us for dinner.

 Simple and delicious.
Now it is late and I am pooped.
Night all.


  1. So glad yesterday was warmer for you-all. I love the horse's tongue jutting out! I'm also curious about "orbing" Love the doggies sunning themselves. I've posted my hibiscus bloom on the bush in today's post. Have a warm weekend, Lori. Jo

  2. I think it got to the high 30's yesterday. It felt warm though and very nice.
    This morning the skies are grey and foreboding in a way.

    But it is looking to warm up for 2 days!

    Beautiful sunrise!

  3. Especially love those orbs! And now I guess I'll have to think about making lasagna this week . . . :)) xx

  4. Love your orbs!

    So happy you got some nice weather. We did too. It was warm yesterday and even better today at 50!

  5. Just popped over from Jo's, always nice to see someone else's farm.
    If you need to see flowers, come over any time although mine at the moment are autumn blooms, still, they are colourful and cheery.
    Loved seeing your sunrise and set and beautiful horses but having just survived the hottest summer since white settlement, your snow was what I needed most of all. Thanks.

  6. Don't hate me... I'm requesting lasagne when we come to dinner. :)


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