Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Coldest Morning On Record

They have been keeping track of the weather for 150 years around here, and today was the coldest it has ever been on this day.  It was -10 (that is without the windchill factor) a couple miles down the road.  So instead of posting one photo of a flower, you are getting several views of a hibiscus blossom.  This plant has been pumping these out for nearly two months!

 A beautiful sunrise.  The trees were all icy and there was a steamy look in the back 40.

 My hands were frozen before I even started cleaning the stalls.
 Put the hay in the pasture and paddock behind the grooming room, where it was much warmer.
Look at the color of that sky!

 Sidney and the dogs ventured out for a short while after I finished chores.

 Dragged myself down to Agape before I got too comfortable and had a decent workout.
 This afternoon Gary went cross country skiing out back before going down to watch Finn play in a 3 on 3 basketball tournament.
 I made some sauce for tomorrows dinner and got things ready for tonight before going out to tuck the girls in.  The light was still perfect for picture taking.

 About dinner....I forgot to take a picture before starting to eat, so this sort of looks like a plate of garbage (did you ever hear of the garbage plates they serve in the Rochester area?).  BBQued drumsticks, baked potatoes and a carrot/apple/craisin/peanut salad.
We are supposed to be in the low 40s tomorrow and I am going to faint.  That's a 50 degree difference!!!!!!
Night all.


  1. The hibiscus blossom is really lovely, as are you photos! They remind me of how beautiful the skies were in Alaska when the temps were below zero and I'd 'make' myself get outside in it too, it was the only way to keep sane!

  2. Thank you for the flowers. Some Spring color is much appreciated. Lovely blue skies and great pictures. Just waaaay to cold. Was 2 here this morning until it warmed up to 23!

    This weekend should be much better. In the thirties and forties. Can't wait.

  3. How uncanny is this, Lori? I'm going to post my hibiscus blooms (I don't have cut flowers in the house) which is growing in my garden! This is in tomorrow's post! I feel sooo for you. Not one person alive in your area has experienced such cold if the last coldest time was 150 years ago. Please keep warm and snuggle up to your lovely roaring fire! Greetings, Jo

  4. Love that hibiscus! Also love the icy tree shots.

  5. The hibiscus is such a gorgeous colour.

    Minus 10!!! oh boy, that's cold brrr.

  6. WHen I switched from google plus back to regular google quite a while back I seemed to have had lost you ( and seeming several others) in my reader feed somehow even though they weren't google plus ~ you would have thought I would have noticed LONG before now ( blushing slightly) . But ...
    Glad to realize and reconnect I truly love viewing your gorgeous photos !
    Hibiscus are one of my fave ~ we even have a large Hibiscus tree in the den.

  7. We had a day like that last week. -10 in the middle of the afternoon and where some of my family live in Wyoming, one state over, it was 54!
    I am so over this!
    Bring on those flowers!


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