Thursday, March 27, 2014

Could This Be The Beginning Of Spring?

It was only 14 degrees this morning, but the temperature ended up at 45 by late afternoon.
I just might faint!
As we still have big white snow banks, the flowers are going to remain on my agenda.
 The sunrise was pretty nice, but it turned grey while I was still in the barn.

 Made another trip to Wegmans and worked on the house this afternoon as the History Club is meeting here tomorrow.  Will have to finish up tomorrow morning.

Chores at 6.  Still grey out there.

 Even tho it was much warmer, the girls were happy to go in.

 Gary wanted to go out to dinner so we went over to McColley's in Spencerport.
This is the closest we can get to a real Irish Pub.
 A couple of Guinness reps were there giving away free beer.

Had a very nice meal and even ran into some friends.

 Left at 8:30 and it was still 43 degrees.  I could get used to this!  Rain is on the way for tonight and tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. We were in the 30s most of the day and only edged up over 40 around dinner time. Colder tomorrow, with rain/snow/sleet yuck, then much warmer (50s!) for a couple of days before it gets colder again.

  2. Lori, Your header photo is awesome--what a great shot!! Spring has to be somewhere close by-it comes and goes here in Kansas!! Always love your variety of pics in each post. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

  3. Best of luck from Anton McCabe, journalist in Ireland, currently on a social media course for his labor union, the National Union of Journalists.

  4. Good luck to you all. Anton McCabe, journalist in Ireland

  5. Don't jinx yourself. You may get snow
    Lily & Edward


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