Friday, March 28, 2014

Random 5 Friday

Simple Pleasures

1.  When I retired, the thing I appreciated the most was not having to hurry in the morning.  The last 13 years of my career were spent teaching Art in the High School, and that meant getting up at 5am so I could feed the horses and clean their stalls , leaving enough time to grab a shower and get to school by 7:30.  (at least 7 to 9 horses)
 2.  Back in those days, I never had a chance to see the sunrise during the week.  Maybe that is why I have taken thousands of pictures since starting my Journal 7 years ago.

 3.  My camera is always with me and it is not unusual to go outside in my pajamas to catch moon shots (or sunrises or whatever).  This past 4th of July I had them on when I went down to take pictures of the fireworks.  Fortunately it was dark and I did not have to get out of my car.

 4.  Some are afraid to retire because they don't know what they would do with all that time.  Believe me, most of the people I know who are no longer working, are busier than they were before.
I teach art on Tuesdays here at the farm.  My husband and I participate in a chorus on Wednesdays.  One Thursday a month I play duplicate bridge.  Two Fridays a month I meet with a history club (20 people will be here today at turn to host).  Each Saturday I go to African Drumming at the college from 1-4.  Off and on I work on a couple of committees for the promotion of the arts in our community.  I post in my Journal everyday and have not missed one since I started.  On top of that, I have met hundreds of people on line and 7 in person.  Of course, my animals are still a very big part of my life.  And that's not all.....

 5.  Many of you already know that my favorite form of entertainment is inviting friends over for dinner.  I love to cook.  Stop in if you are in the neighborhood.

We are surrounded by so much just have to open your eyes and take advantage of every minute.

To view what's going on with others, click on Random 5 in my sidebar.


  1. I love retirement! It has allowed me to knit to my heart's desire and to discover and read blogs from around the country like yours. I read every day and try to make comments so that I feel more connected to the people that write them. I envy your connection to your community and really appreciate your love and caring of your animals. I found you through Punkins Patch and feel like my life has definitely been enriched by blog-reading. I haven't traveled much and I love hearing about other places.

  2. I always enjoy and am impressed by you and your blog! And posting everyday is quite an accomplishment.

  3. Your words are so true, and Marcy's also. Retirement opens up days that do not start with the alarm, choices, usually,.. of which job to do, time for yourself, family, friends, and community, photography, quilting, animals, or travel, it is all available, Enjoy your day Lori, I hope for some warmth for you soon, Cheers from Jean.

  4. I think you are one of the busiest people I've seen on the blogs.mi honestly don't know how you fit it all in. Posting everyday is a real accomplishment too. Love all your pictures. as always your sunrises are awesome.

  5. Someday I am going to be in the neighbourhood and I look forward to meeting this amazing retiree:) Hug B

  6. Always, always love your sky photos and am so glad you have a chance to inhale them now . . .

  7. I love your journal, and I especially enjoy the sunrise/sunset pictures. I take a lot of them myself! There is something very special about each one that makes me try to capture the moment. I hope to be in your neighborhood one day to share a meal as your food photos always make me hungry!!


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