Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's Time For Winter To Say "Uncle"

 I keep envisioning spring flowers...and what do I get?
More snow and freezing temperatures.

 After chores I grabbed a shower and headed down to chorus, where we had a pretty good rehearsal.  We have a series of performances coming up and a lot to learn.

On the way home I stopped at Weggies and after lunch was in the mood to make a pot of cabbage soup.  After that, I watched a movie and kept feeding the fire.

By late afternoon the sun was out in full bloom and most of the snow disappeared even tho it was only 23 degrees.
 These poor horses must be so sick of this cold and windy crapola.

 Tucked them in after 6:30.
 Again...the most beautiful part of the day.
 Dinner - a pear and apple salad
 with boneless pork chops topped with carrots and caramelized onions, baked potatoes and a side of peas.  Pretty yummy.

And now for a little sidebar.
Last summer I got a call to see if we would take on a mare and foal overnight as they were making a long trip from Missouri to New Brunswick and wanted to stop a couple of times.  Both horses were Morgans...the mare was Black Pearl (rebred) and her yearling colt was Captain Jack.  We were happy to oblige and  invited the owners to stay here too.  Today I was sent a couple of pictures out of the blue, as Black Pearl just had her filly.  They also sent me a shot of Captain Jack, who has grown a lot since he was here.  What a story.  Many years ago these people sold Pearl to a man in Missouri who also raised Morgans and sadly, he went blind and had to place all of his horses.  Last summer they drove from New Brunswick to Missouri to retrieve their girl and her last foal.  They said it was a very emotional time and knew it was the right thing to do.  The number of miles they drove to do this was astronomical! If I could have kidnapped those two horses, I would have done it in a heartbeat.  In fact, I am going to have to look up the photos I took when they were here so you can see them.
Captain Jack
 Black Pearl and the filly
Here's how they looked last August.
When they got off the trailer after all those miles, they were as cool as cucumbers and spent the rest of that day and night in a run-in paddock area happy to be able to graze.  The next morning they were both sacked out on the shavings and after breakfast, headed out toward New England.

It was like having a Bed and Breakfast for people and horses.
I loved meeting the four of them.
Night all.


  1. Since you like company we are on our way
    The weather has got to give
    Lily & Edward

  2. The temperature may be cold, but your story about Black Pearl and Captain Jack certainly warms the heart! How kind of you to open your home for those tired travelers!

  3. What a story about the Morgans. Beautiful horses. Glad they're all doing so well.

    Hope the weather starts cooperating for you.

  4. Lori, did you grow up with horses? They just really do seem to be in your blood. What movie did you watch?

  5. Please get Winter to say Uncle !
    What a great story about the Morgans.


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