Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Stills Challenge - Things We Take For Granted

The availability of food...especially when we can grow our own and know it is not full of chemicals.
Too many people have no clue about what is in the food they eat.  We all need to tune in to our options and be more aware of what we are consuming.  I vote for organic!

To view more things taken for granted, click on Sunday Stills in my sidebar.


  1. I vote for home grown organic too!

    I've never seen so many recalls on food as I have in recent years. Today they're recalling meat from California.

  2. I am so looking forward to staying home long enough to have a garden this year. I can't wait!
    I love what you have done to Abbe's picture!

  3. I vote for homegrown and organic too! Fortunately I live in an agricultural area, so it's easy to obtain here.

  4. What enticing photos -- and yes, I agree w/you about food . . . xx

  5. Organic is about 5 times more expensive here..trucking it in has it's price. We buy what we can afford and buy local when we can:)


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