Sunday, February 9, 2014

Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner-Ponies...Monday Morning Update....

The sunrise was barely visible.

French toast for breakfast...
chicken and barley soup for lunch.
We had a lot of light snow during the afternoon and I went out to give the horses a couple more flakes of hay.  They were way out back.

Called them in around 5.

Took a quick shower and started on dinner.

First I thinly sliced boneless chicken breasts, pounded them flat,  salt and pepper on both sides, dredged them in flour and fried them in olive oil/butter.  Set aside.
Then, I threw a big container of mushrooms in the same pan and the recipe said to immediately add a dry white wine (I would saute them first) and some chicken broth.

After a few minutes I added the juice of a whole lemon and reduced the sauce.
The last liquid ingredient was half and half (chose not to use cream), followed by the addition of flat leafed parsley and capers.  Turned it off an let it sit.
I added a little olive oil and butter to the cooked linguine, tossed it and mixed in some cheese.  Then I plated everything, poured on the sauce and added more cheese.
 Sally and Judy were here for dinner.
Judy brought the salad with apples and caramelized nuts and Sally made a pumpkin pie. 
We feasted!

 Night all.

(Big sale at Wegmans yesterday).
 $1.89 above and $3.99 below.

Sidney is back to normal.


  1. Ahhhhh! I was at Home Depot and Lowe's this weekend looking for palms just like that. I feel like I pass them every time I'm there...of course they didn't have them when I was looking! Good finds. I wish we had a Weggies here.

  2. One day, many photos, your words spoke volumes, specially Sidney's improvement, that made today so wonderful. Cheers from Jean

  3. Yeah for Sidney:)
    Lots to see love the flowers. Hug B

  4. Oh you do know how to dine don't you? The whipped cream on the pie photo was downright mean to show us no-pie-havers.

  5. Glad Sidney is back to normal. The girls looked like they couldn't wait to come in.

    That chicken dinner looks amazing! As always so does everything else. Nice to have friends who bring the trimmings.


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