Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Mud Wrestling Weather....

 A very peaceful morning....
 until the green team went out to the pasture.
 I'm sure they thought it was spring.
 Can you see Berlin rolling behind Abbe?  The ground was very mushy and her blanket was a disaster.
 I managed to pick the pasture, with more to do tomorrow.

 Class at 10:30.
 Joanne was very motivated by Jeanne's black and white 6x6s and decided to give it a try.

 She's hooked.
 Tina started a drawing of Tabby.

 Gary continued to work on the living room and I went down to Weggies to get the ingredients for some corn chowder.

 Poor Finn split his knee after his phys ed class today, and Gary took him to the emergency room where he needed stitches.  Fortunately Jenny was able to get there from Rochester before they started.  Getting a shot in the wound was no picnic.  He's doing ok now and plans to go to school tomorrow....has to keep his leg straight.

Went out a little early to pick the paddock, set things up for the girl's dinner and called them in.

Abbe wins the Biggest Pig award.

Even tho it was very dull most of the day, there was a little color before I went back to the house.

Dinner was superb!
A Saint Tim salad with mixed greens, onion, orange, banana and crumbly blue.
 Why have I never made corn chowder in the past?????  I was missing out!
 Now we can get organic multi-grain rolls at Wegmans.  I am trying to avoid GMOs whenever possible.

 I'll bet you thought I ran out of gas in the orbs department.  Ha ha!!!!
All are from yesterday's sunrise shots.


Night all.


  1. Haha the orbs crack me up. Oh I looooove corn chowder. My favorite recipe is Tyler Florence's. Tell Finn he needs to milk this injury for at least a few days off school! Haha

  2. Poor Finn, that stinks. Hope he heals quickly.

    Of course Abbé was the dirtiest, she's white after all. They seem to have a knack for being the best rollers in mud.

    Great orbs!

  3. I think you are addicted to orbs. LOL. Very cool pics.

    I'm glad Finn is okay. That shot in the wound is definitely the worst part.

    We haven't had enough rain here for Jackson to compete with Abbe in the dirtiest horse contest. Hopefully, soon.

  4. Glad you are ok Finn. Your art classes look like fun

  5. I need to try the orbs thing. Yours are lovely!


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