Monday, January 13, 2014

It's Time for a Change....

Can't remember when I posted my last sunrise photos, we have had such a string of crazy weather.

 This morning was an exception to all those grey skies.

 I don't know what has gotten into me, but I am in one cleaning mode.  After chores I changed around the feed room so we would have a place to shred paper in the horse barn.  One thing led to another and I ended up dumping a gigantic leaf bag of crapola.
 We reached a high of 52 today and I am not complaining.
 The girls spent much of the day out in the pasture.

 Now, about 98% of the snow is gone.

 For the foreseeable future our house is going to be upside down.  The living room and library have not been painted in over 20 years (yikes!).  We took down all the paintings and put away as much stuff as we could.  Moved the couch and chair into the library so we would have a relatively uncluttered place to sit.

 Here is the before on a sunny afternoon.
 (Looking into the library...which is next on the agenda.  Packing all those books is going to be a real pain in the butt).

The library today....all jammed up.
I sure hope this project does not take forever.

Gary met Finn and Coop after school.
I did a couple things around the house and started on dinner before going out to do evening chores.

 Picnic tonight.  For some reason I was hungry for potato salad....
 and BBcued organic drumsticks with caramelized onions.
 Time for a shower, then I have to get into the book I'm reading.
Night all.

I spoke to Lorrie today and she said that after Moon was introduced to her new stall yesterday (which has two nice windows) she was put in with the other two horses and they seem to be doing fine.  It would be great if she could have buddies and no fighting.


  1. Oooooh how exciting! I assume you've already picked a color? Or the same color? It's a gorgeous room...great light. Don't think I've ever seen your library, what a lovely room.

  2. Somehow I missed " Moon's farewell post" and am so glad all is well. Here, I am cleaning out/tidying up/ having a huge sort out in my office, way TOO scared to take a before photo, but I can imagine your upheaval. A library, what a joy to have. Greetings to all, Jean.

  3. What a beautiful place. Ours needs repainting also. Hmmm, not sure if hubby will go for it for a while.
    He always has too much 'other' stuff.
    Glad to hear that Moon is settling in!

    Beautiful sunrise too!

  4. Beautiful rooms. The library is going to be a pain to pack up but it will be worth it. The pooch looks comfy though. I have to paint here too. Unfortunately, I'd have to do it myself, I can't let my husband near a paint brush. He just isn't good at it, probably on purpose.

    Glad Moon is settling in. Hope she has friends there too.

  5. What a job ahead - cant wait to see the results. I hope it lasts another 20 years, for your sake.

  6. I love a good color change. My living room is due for a color upgrade, it is a large room and a very boring white.

  7. I know what you mean about the mess. We are in the middle of a painting project in our living room. We've almost finished the ceiling, then comes the walls. We're also replacing all the trim, which will also have to be painted. When that's done, we're ripping up the old carpet and doing laminate (fake wood). If our budget would allow, we'd have hardwood, but the laminate is beautiful by comparison. Same stuff we put in our kitchen. Then...a new area rug and a big, cushy chair for me!! :) These projects are always so much more work than I originally think they will be, but I love the outcome. I know you will too. Love the light in your room - that's great! I am going to really miss Moon. I liked her a lot. Think she sounds a lot like our old Siri mare - passive aggressive. To hide her fears, she acted out with aggression to keep others at arm's length. Just my 2 cent psychology. Very glad to hear she's settling into her new home, and I wish her comfort and friendship.


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