Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hot Stones

 The cool down has arrived...back in the 30s.
 Imagine, January 15th and no snow.

 Chorus started up again!  Some very hard music, a Lennon/McCarney medley, Fun Fun Fun by the Beach Boys and more.  Should be very interesting!!!  I don't know what Gary was laughing so hard for.

I had to go down to Brockport for an appointment with the massage therapist and by then the sky was brilliant....however the wind was strong and it was frigid.

On the way down I stopped at Country Max and picked up some shavings.

 Once again, the therapist used hot stones.  Can't beat it.

 Headed for home about 4:15.  The Village was pretty quiet.

 Just when I arrived Louise and Jack were leaving.  They brought some cookies and had tea with Gary.

Changed my clothes and went out to tuck in the girls.  Gary carried in the shavings and Sidney assisted.

 The moon was beautiful, but my little point and shoot was not doing it justice in the dark.

Another repeat performance in the dinner department.  It's a good thing we like leftovers.  Just made a different salad.

That about covers it.
Night all.


  1. The weather is strange everywhere. The ski resorts are suffering here and the white water rafting compainies are getting worried about the spring. No snow, no rain, water rationing... not good. Hot stones sound wonderful.

  2. Wow, love the new header, and a day that is warmer, good news. I'm not sure what has happened but your newest post did not come up on my side bar, you are still on my list, Maybe Blogger is playing games. Hope the weather stays fine for some days for you, we have big winds, and a cold front arriving. Greetings to all, Jean.

  3. "No snow on 15th January" you say. So far in our area we have had no snow at all this winter! And I'm not complaining.

  4. You have no snow and we rec'd 6 inches yesterday.
    Now we may have an additional inch but blowing snow with 45 mph winds and whiteouts.


  5. I definitely want a hot stone massage. Must feel wonderful.

    Sidney is a very good assistant. Looks like he's more in the management department though. Not too much heavy lifting for him.


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