Saturday, October 19, 2013

Jam Packed....

 What a day.
Took a little longer to do chores as I stripped Abbe's stall and filled it up with shavings.

Karen's friend Dave came up at 9....
 so his daughter Tori could spend some time grooming Angel and Maggie.
 Karen and I had this big idea that we were going to line drive our horses and we started with Angel.  Well, Maggie was in the outdoor arena within sight and we had some focusing problems.  Then, Angel seemed a little gimpy so we passed....

 and Karen put her horses back out in the pasture.
 Brilliant me said we should get Abbe and Karen could practice with her.  She did not like being in there alone and was full of beans, concentrating more on what Berlin and Moon were saying outside the door.  Finally, we brought Berlin in and continued to work with Miss HotStuff.  Karen did a great job with her and can apply what she learned to her horses.  Of course, Abbe has been on a giant vacation and needs to get back in a groove.

Finally it was Berlin's turn and she was absolutely perfect.

Dave even gave it a shot.

 We were done around 11 something and all the girls were back outside.

All these late blooming sunflowers are volunteers that grew under the bird feeder.

Next on the agenda was the mural dedication....please take time to look at the post below.

 Then I caught the tail end of drumming.  Weather permitting, many of us will be going in to Rochester tomorrow morning to drum for "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer."

 Home in time to switch pastures and finished making 16 bean soup.
Tucked the girls in, then we had supper.

I need to get by the fire.
Night all.


  1. One very busy day, love those sunflowers. Cheers, Jean.

  2. What else is new. Your days are always jam-packed. Love the peek into your farm each week.

  3. I can't help but smile when I see sunflowers--I'm going to have to try to grow them next year.

    I hope you enjoy your day--What a great cause!! Take care!


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