Saturday, October 19, 2013

Erie Canal Mural Dedication

Steam powered machines worked alongside teams of mules, and men with shovels and pickaxes to expand the Erie Canal into the Barge Canal in 1914.  The road bed of the old Main Street bridge was lifted by cables.  It was replaced during the expansion with the lift-bridge we use today.

Today, community members gathered at the DPW Building to witness the dedication of a mural painted by local artist, Stacey Kirby (who has produced 8 others in the area).  The photographs can speak for themselves.  Yet again, it is an example of what can be accomplished when you have a group of people who know how to get things done....things that enhance our beautiful village.

The project was made possible with funds from a decentralization grant from the Arts and Cultural Council for Greater Rochester and matching funds from the Art and Aesthetics Committee of Walk! Bike! Brockport!  Many thanks to all those who made this such a great event.

The Artist - Stacey Kirby

The Musician - Mark Ketchum

 The Mayor - Margay Blackman

The Poet - Bill Heyen

 The Village Historian Emeritus - Bill Andrews

Mural Unveiling - Stacey Kirby

 So appropriate that the refreshments were in one of the bays on top of a lift.

Brockport - The Victorian Village on the Erie Canal


  1. One more place on my " Dream Adventure" list, superb murals, and a great community spirit. Greetings to all, Jean.

  2. Beautiful town and wonderful people that take pride in their community. The mural is lovely.


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