Friday, October 18, 2013

The Sky's the Limit

 It rained last night, but cleared up by morning.

 The usual routine.

 At 10:30 I drove down to Agape for some exercise...much needed.
 Back home for lunch, then to a History Club meeting at 2.

 Two very interesting topics.
 Back to the farm in time to do the pasture switch.  Although it was very windy today, the sun was out and the sky shaped up.

 Yesterday Gary brought in the last four glads.

 By 4:30 the sun was lighting up the west side of the house.

 Tucked the girls in by 6:15.

The moon made an early appearance.

 Gary got payed for working the past two days and wanted to go out to dinner.  
Went down to 58 Main.
Night all.


  1. What a spectacular mural.Your home looks so inviting with sunlight pouring through the windows. Thanks for your visit to my blog this (Saturday) morning and your kind commiserations regarding Honey's death. Have a great weekend. Jo

  2. Oh Lori your photos are always so inviting and lovely. I love the mural at the top what a wonderful job. Beautiful Hug B


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