Sunday, October 20, 2013

Drumming for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

 Yesterday we did not know if we would get rained out or not.  Fortunately the sun appeared this morning and 8 of us arrived at Frontier Field in Rochester for the event.

There were 10,000 participants, and you can't imagine the impact we had on them as they walked by.
Khalid, our leader, has a huge sense of community and in spite of his busy schedule came in to play with us.  He has staying power and hardly took a break from his outstanding solo mode. We drummed straight from 9:45 until 11:30.

So many people danced, gave us thumbs up, thanked us, walked to the beat of the drums and were very encouraging.

You just had to smile.

Gary and our daughter Jenny (a breast cancer survivor) did the walk.


My favorite part was the dancing.  It's not easy to be near us and stand still.

I'd do this again in a heartbeat!

Thank you Khalid, Stan, Wain, Marsha, Lee, Alice and was a great experience.


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